ax-track by adnexo

In 2016, Christian and Martin, long-time friends from their student days - connected by their love of programming, rock music and sociable bar evenings - meet up. During their studies, it becomes increasingly clear to them that there is a lack of IoT providers with comprehensive solutions in their portfolio. Many companies either offer hardware without a suitable platform or vice versa. From thoughts, visions and numerous technical discussions, a classic garage idea emerges: adnexo, an IoT start-up that provides a hardware-independent platform. The IoT platform was named ax-track to create a clear distinction.

ax-track by adnexo celebrates its launch.

The garage was replaced by an office on Rennweg in Zurich, but the shared passion for programming remains. The friendship lives on, with regular after-work beers and pizza at longer meetings, which creates a pleasant working atmosphere.

Today we can proudly name well-known customers. SBB, Condair, Meier Tobler and the city of Rapperswil-Jona rely on us and our product.

The adnexo success story continues!

Our values


We live and breathe IoT

Our team is made up of creative people. We create new ideas, solutions and processes. The possibilities of state-of-the-art technologies inspire us - and we pass on this passion.

We think pragmatically

Our customers benefit from our go-getter mentality. We quickly familiarise ourselves with new areas of application and technologies. Our short decision-making processes enable agile realisation of ideas and projects.

We feel a sense of responsibility

Customer requirements are our top priority. We develop solutions that the whole team stands behind. Risks are evaluated and analysed. We rise to the challenges.

We work in a customer-orientated way

Our passion for our products and services enables us to be close to our customers. Together with an eye for the big picture, we quickly arrive at the right solutions.

We meet on friendly terms

adnexo was born out of a friendship and continues to build on it today as a growing team. We also maintain a friendly relationship with our customers, partners and suppliers.

More about us

What does adnexo mean?

“Adnexus” comes from the Latin and means “closeness” or ”connection” . Adnexus then became adnexo: those who connect.

“ax” is an abbreviation for adnexo and together with “-track” forms the perfect name for our product.

What makes the adnexo team special?
Our team is characterised by a family atmosphere, we help each other beyond our office hours and are there for one another. We are also happy to meet up at weekend for an event.
What do you do to boost team spirit?
Once a month, someone from our team organises a meeting lasting several hours. And the topic of that meeting is completely open. Everyone can make their own decisions about what they want to do for and with the team. There are also regular team events. Fixed features in the calendar include a visit to an escape room, a skiing day and our Christmas and summer parties.

Do you want to learn more about us?

Drop us a line, we look forward to your visit to Zürich!

or give us a call on:+41 44 500 21 20