Intelligent fill level measurement

Our advanced solution for smart waste management uses sensors to measure the fill levels of waste containers and transmits the measurement data wirelessly to our platform ax-track. We can easily achieve a battery life of several years using the energy-saving sensors. With our software, you always have an overview and can plan your daily business more efficiently.

In the thick of it with waste tracking and SBB

Switzerland is at least as clean as it is beautiful. This involves a lot of organisation and even more manual effort. Together with SBB, we were able to carry out a pilot project for digital waste management at railway stations. Waste bins are equipped with battery-operated sensors that record the fill level of the bins in real time. This means that overfilled rubbish bins can be dealt with more quickly with fewer inspections.

In collaboration with SBB, we have developed a new optical sensor based on the ax-dist. Like the ax-dist , the new ax-opto is battery-operated and transmits data via LoRaWAN. Instead of using ultrasound for distance measurement, we rely on an optical measurement method. The distance is determined with the help of infrared light. Similar to a photo camera, we can analyse different pixels (16×16) and thus influence the measuring range and angle. In this way, you can create a rough, three-dimensional image of a surface. In contrast to ultrasound-based measuring methods, even very small buckets can be measured.


  • By analysing the amount of waste, we can learn about visitor flows within large areas or buildings as well as the best places to install waste bins.
  • At the same time, the evaluated information proves useful when better positioning visitor-sensitive objects such as advertising posters or signs.


Integrations in peripheral systems

The system can be integrated into existing peripheral systems according to your wishes. We provide you with the processed data via our API (HTTP, MQTT, webhooks and websockets).

Working out deployment routes

Intelligent algorithms are used to work out the best deployment routes from the data received.

Saving resources

Thereby minimising empty runs and overfilled containers and saving time and resources.

Different areas of application

The system is suitable for taking measurements in underground systems, standard collection containers and public waste bins through to liquid containers.



Are you interested in a smart waste management solution?

We would be happy to advise you. Get in touch with us for a non-obligation initial consultation. Get in touch with us now.

or give us a call on:+41 44 500 21 20