LoRaWAN workshop with T&N ICT Solutions

T&N ICT Solutions are strategic partners for ICT and support companies in the digital world. We impart practical knowledge and offer individual support for customer projects during our specialised LoRaWAN workshops, including on-site installations and signal evaluations.

We organised a LoRaWAN workshop for T&N ICT Solutions this year.

T&N ICT Solutions are partners to their customers for ICT - information and communication technologies. They support companies in the digital world and advise on a strategic basis. T&N attended a LoRaWAN workshop with us to keep up to date with the latest communication technologies.
We have specialised in LoRaWAN technology for years and have been able to develop our expertise in various major customer projects.

On the one hand, we teach the theory, but we also attach great importance to practice. Participants can immediately apply and test what they have learned in our laboratory environment. We focus on specific customer projects during our customised workshops.
We also visited their installations on site with T&N, carried out reception measurements and analysed the measurements directly. The signals were evaluated and error messages were analysed.  

The aim of our course is to turn participants into specialists. We want to enable our participants to use the technology correctly and to analyse and resolve problems independently. -Christian Fässler Course Director adnexo


In our one-day workshop, we deal with topics relating to “What is radio” and familiarise ourselves with the technical terms decibel, RSSI, Link-Buget, SNR and much more.

Basics of wireless communication
  • Signal dispersion / Frequencies / Channels / Scope
  • Link budget
  • Disruptive influences
  • Bandwidth / Spreading factors / Data rate
  • Data frame structure
  • Up- vs Downlinks
  • Encryption
  • OTAA vs ABP activation
LoRaWAN in practice
  • Signal weighting (RSSI  SNR ESP)
  • ADR
On-site reception measurements
  • Visit to an installation and reception measurements on site
  • Analysing and discussing measuring points
  • Site survey with the adnexo Signal Quest tool

Meaning of LoRaWAN

‘Long Range Wide Area Network’ is a wireless communication technology that has been specially developed for the Internet of Things (IoT).

Benefits of LoRaWAN

It enables the cost-effective, energy-saving and far-reaching networking of IoT devices over long distances.
LoRaWAN is based on the LoRa (Long Range) modulation method, which offers a particularly long range and good penetration of obstacles such as buildings and vegetation. This technology is often used for applications where wireless connections are required to collect and transmit data from sensors, actuators or other IoT devices.
The advantages and disadvantages of LoRaWAN in practice will be discussed in detail at the workshop and explained using examples.

At our LoRaWAN workshop with Christian from adnexo, we were able to respond to our individual questions. As part of the workshop, we carried out and evaluated radio measurements at a customer's premises, which was a huge added value for us.
-Heinz Baumann Key Accountant Manager Healthcare / Consultant T&N

Would you also like to attend a LoRaWAN workshop?

Get in touch with us now or book an appointment. 

or give us a call on:+41 44 500 21 20