Philips relies on its collaboration with adnexo and Timly

Every company has its own unique DNA and personality. Philips' identity is firmly anchored in advanced technology and innovation. The company has been shaping the market with its innovative products since the 19th century. Philips' mission is to offer state-of-the-art technology products in the healthcare sector.

The company is continuously integrating advanced technologies into its systems and operating processes. 
The partnership between adnexo and Timly is known for innovative solutions and Philips has found the ideal partner for tracking medical devices. 
Philips Austria has chosen Timly Inventory Management Software to track and manage their demo medical devices. An interface for real-time monitoring was created with the ax-track IoT tracking software from adnexo. Combining these two platforms created a unique solution for Philips. 

The challenge

Tracking medical devices on loan for testing
Philips offers demonstration cases for its partners. If a partner is interested in a new device, the device can be tested over several months. This allows end customers to see for themselves that the appliance fulfils the requirements. 
A software solution was sought to fully monitor the entire appliance package with all its individual parts. Every component in the device case is expensive and essential for proper functioning. 

The solution: Triple Tech 

The first step was to improve the demonstration system. The inventory of all devices and the corresponding articles is the cornerstone of the solution. 
In a second step, Philips packed the medical devices into cases and attached a GPS tracker to each of these demonstration cases. Our GPS trackers allow you to track the device's location in real time.
Philips created a record in our inventory management system for each item within each crate to manage and track these individual assets. Philips was also able to significantly streamline its process of reserving and allocating devices to facilities by activating the Timly scheduling function.


  • Philips
  • adnexo
  • Timly


In practice

“Philips has a clear overview of where each demonstration system is.”
To illustrate this: When a Philips representative visits a partner facility interested in testing a particular device, they can use the on-site software to retrieve all relevant details. For example, they can digitally reserve a specific device from one date to another and assign it to the partner right away. In this way, other employees at Philips can see whether a device is available as well as its loan history and current location. Logistics employees automatically receive an e-mail via the app as soon as a device is assigned for testing. This e-mail informs them that the intended device is now expected by the assigned partner. This means that the logistics department can prepare the device for dispatch.  
By using the customised software, the way in which devices are used are improved, the contents of the device cases are checked and costs for new purchases are saved. Philips representatives can provide equipment for hire more easily and there is less administrative work involved.

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