Sersa Rhomberg relies on ax-track 

We provide insights into the world of Sersa Rhomberg and how we are using innovative technologies with ax-track to improve services in terms of building and maintaining rail infrastructure. 

About Sersa Rhomberg  


Sersa Rhomberg is a competent partner when it comes to building and maintaining rail infrastructure. With a strong focus on innovation and cost-effectiveness, they offer customized solutions for public and private railroads. Their aim is to meet the needs of customers, regardless of track widths or track types.  

Our ax-track IoT platform has made Sersa Rhomberg's machine management much more efficient.  

By integrating ax-track and over 100 GPS trackers, Sersa Rhomberg can take advantage of a wide range of benefits, including: 


  • Optimised machine utilisation: Thanks to ax-track, Sersa Rhomberg has a precise overview of the location and availability of its machines at all times. This enables resources to be used more efficiently and downtimes to be minimised by deploying the machines where they are needed most. Unique machines for rail maintenance can therefore be better organised in the deployment plan.
  • Improved dispatching: Real-time data from ax-track can be used to streamline scheduling processes. Orders are planned better, routes are organised more efficiently and unforeseen events are responded to more quickly to ensure that projects run smoothly. Dispatching plays a very decisive role in time-urgent projects.  
  • Increased safety and monitoring: In the event of unauthorised use, an immediate response can be made and the appropriate measures taken. 


ax-track offers companies like Sersa Rhomberg a powerful solution for streamlining their machine management processes. By combining real-time tracking, precise scheduling and enhanced safety, companies can increase their efficiency, reduce costs and improve the reliability of their services at the same time. If you would like to find out more about how ax-track can support your company, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help! 

Do you have ideas for your business?

Get in touch with us for a non-obligation initial consultation.

or give us a call on:+41 44 500 21 20