Rapperswil-Jona relies on
fill level measurements in salt silos

Pioneering Smart City projects were carried out in Rapperswil-Jona in cooperation with the companies CRA Mess-, Regel- + Antriebstechnik AG  and adnexo GmbH. The aim of these projects is to sustainably improve the economic stability of the municipality. Automated tasks using sensor technology are planned for the future in order to prepare for the expected growth. This means that the current level of quality should be maintained and existing resources used more efficiently. The cooperation between the three parties runs smoothly and is characterised by rapid implementation and innovative solutions.

A wide range of measurement sensors can be managed centrally with the ax-track Smart City platform. This ranges from the GPS positions of municipal vehicles to the air quality in the Bollwies school building and the fill level of the municipality’s stream. All relevant information is available on a map, both on office computers and on smartphones and tablets.

Rapperswil-Jona is pursuing the ambitious goal of positioning itself as the municipality of the future through efficiency, technological progress, and an improved ecological footprint. The current projects are innovative steps on this path towards sustainable development.

Project overview

The salt storage silos at the depot had an existing fill level measurement system that transmitted measurement data to management software via the 2G mobile network. Since Swisscom's 2G network was discontinued, the solution could no longer be used. Instead of replacing the entire salt silo system, only the transmission units were replaced.

Our approach

Instead of investing heavily in new salt silos, the sensors were retrofitted with modern communication modules. This retrofit led to considerable cost savings in the five-figure range compared to a complete replacement. Efficient salt management is of great importance, as salt purchases can be better planned and the municipality of Rapperswil-Jona must have sufficient road salt in stock at all times so that it can be prepared for unforeseen snowfall or temperature drops.

Outlook for the future

Fill level measurements can also be implemented easily and cost-effectively in other raw material warehouses. It’s easy to streamline purchasing in warehouses for wooden pallets, wood chips and water tanks using sensors. Thanks to our ax-track IoT platform, the fill level display can be called up in real time and checked in the app at any time. Improved warehouse management is required in view of raw material shortages. Precise inventory recording allows businesses to make targeted purchases and cost savings.

Would you also like to implement an IoT project?

Then don’t hesistate to contact us and together we will find an innovative solution.

or give us a call on:+41 44 500 21 20